Languages Required for Web Development

Here what I think is mandatory for web development.

Basically, Web development is divided into 2 parts:
  1. Front End - what you see on the screen. HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
  2. Back End - what is handling the website in the background. PHP, node.js, etc.

  1. Enough knowledge of HyperText Markup Language or HTML. One should have proper knowledge of HTML tags and attributes.
  2. CSS for styling a page. HTML without CSS is useless. One should know how to use CSS properly.
  3. Javascript. Javascript is the most important part of web development according to me. Javascript is used for building logics, and according to these logics your page is going to behave. Moreover, Javascript is used in front-end development as well as back-end development.
  4. Database management and back-end. The back-end is another important part of web development. One should have proper knowledge of back-end development. There are many database programs like MongoDB. One should also have proper knowledge of scripting languages like NodeJS, PHP, Python, etc.
  5. Proper knowledge of front-end frameworks, most notably jQuery and AngularJS. Angular is used to create single-page applications and by far, it is the most widely used front-end framework.
  6. Creativity. Without creativity, I don’t think you can succeed in web development. One should be creative enough to design a website.
At last, I want to say, there is so much to learn in web development.

OVERVIEW Required Languages For Web Development:

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. Java
  4. JavaScript
  5. Python
  6. SQL
  7. PHP
  8. .NET

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